• The new psychotropics work. But whether consumers achieve the better quality of life that these medications promise depends on adequate community support services. Medications alone aren't enough.

  • Access to the new psychotropics in Arizona has improved, but it still doesn't cover the documented need.

  • There is evidence that the use of the new psychotropics results in medical cost shifting. Whether this shift results in greater or lesser overall costs for mental health services is unclear.

  • The use of new psychiatric medications in public and private formularies should be determined on the same basis as the use of all medical technologies, where clinical efficacy, not cost alone, is the primary consideration.

  • There is a critical need for the closer integration of mental health services with primary care, where over one-half of today's mental health services may be delivered.

  • The new psychotropics are increasingly used beyond the traditional mental health community. Consumer demand will drive the integration of these medications, and mental health services generally, with a system that treats the whole person and is not divided into separate and often unequal systems of care.

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