NMHA thanks the following panelists for their consultation on this project:

Alan Axelson, M.D. is founder and President of InterCare, a system of comprehensive behavioral services in Western Pennsylvania. He is a member of National Mental Health Association's Public Policy Committee, the American Psychiatric Association's Managed Care Committee, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry's Work Group on Managed Care. In these capacities, he has participated extensively in the development and review of level-of-care criteria. He is also a well renowned author and public speaker on various managed care related topics.

Candace Dumas is a parent of two children with bipolar disorder and serious behavioral disturbances, as well as politically dedicated to mental health issues. Ms. Dumas has been very active in the Arizona statewide family advocacy organization, Mentally Ill Kids in Distress (MIKID). Through her work with MIKID, Ms. Dumas organizes and implements support groups, works to promote family involvement toward mental health system changes, and advocates on behalf of individual families. In light of the lack of recreational facilities suitable for her own children, Ms. Dumas and her husband transformed their Vail ranch to serve children's needs. Just Horsin' Around provides respite care and summer and intersession day and overnight camps for children with SED and other behavioral health disorders.

Christina K. Lebovitz, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist who has been in practice in Phoenix and Scottsdale for the past 18 years. In addition to her independent practice, she is the consulting psychologist at the hospital-based Development Clinics, and she provides evaluations for children in the custody of Child Protective Services. Dr. Lebovitz initiated mental health services for the Phoenix Early Head Start program, and she supervises graduate student clinical placements as an adjunct faculty member of the Arizona State Institute Department of Psychology. Dr. Lebovitz is an active member of several prominent professional and community organizations, and is committed to addressing the mental health needs of infants and children.

Harold Magalnick, M.D. is a Board-certified pediatrician specializing in children's mental health issues. Some of his many credentials including having served as Chairperson of the Arizona Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, currently serving on the Governor's Council on Head Start, and serving as Chairperson of the Physicians Committee of the American School Health Association. He is also a well renowned professor and is affiliated with many major hospitals in Phoenix.

Annette Ruskin, MSW spent the first nine years of her career working in the state child protective services system. Currently she works part-time with Scottsdale Prevention Institute providing clinical services to children and families. In addition, she does contract work with the state mental health provider and the juvenile court system. Annette is a clinical volunteer at the Mental Health Association of Arizona and is active in advocating for adults and children living with mental illnesses. She has experienced mental illness in her own family and passionately believes in the need for progress in the serving of mentally ill children and their families.

Sherri Walton is a lifelong resident of Arizona. She has been a community volunteer for over 20 years. As a parent of children with mental health treatment needs, Ms. Walton's interest in mental health advocacy, specifically pertaining to children's issues, stems from firsthand experience navigating the mental health system. Ms. Walton serves as a Board member and Co-chair of the Public Policy Committee of the Mental Health Association of Arizona. Through the MHA she has collaborated on projects ranging from the Depression Awareness Campaign to the Town Hall Meeting on Mental Health with Tipper Gore.

In addition, NMHA is grateful to the following individuals for their contributions to this project:

Arizona Center for Disability Law, Anne Ronan
Arizona Council of Human Service Providers, David Miller, M.D.
Children's Action Alliance, Beth Rosenberg and Angela Rodgers
Empact Suicide Prevention Center, Ilene Dode and Katie Hobbs
Mental Health Association of Arizona, Cheryl Becker and Karen Stephen
Southern Arizona Children's Consortium, Patricia Dorgan
Southwest Human Development, Robert Klaehn, MD

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