Storytelling is a school-based primary prevention program designed to provide culturally
meaningful storytelling as part of the school curriculum to reduce youth violence and
idleness, and increase self-esteem and productivity for youth from 12 to 14 years of
age. The program is administered by Compass Health Care, Inc. and is located at the
middle school at the Tohona O'odham Indian Reservation in Arizona. Each year this
program serves 100 youth in the Indian Oasis Baboquivari School District and has a
total annual budget of $150,000.
The program uses story telling to provide youth with a culturally appropriate curriculum
in health, social studies and language arts and has been shown to reduce the number
of disciplinary incidents in one year by 54 percent. The program has received an award
from the Center for Substance Abuse and Treatment (CSAT) as an exemplary
prevention program.
Contact Information:
- Tohono O'odham Indian Reservation
- Sells, AZ
- Phone: 520-383-4966
Behavior Coaching
Behavior Coaching is a program that serves youths with serious emotional disability
and/or related behavioral problems. Behavior coaches work with one youth at a time
and function as an extension of the clinical services provided. A behavior coach works
every day with youth in school and/or at home, at recreation, etc. This type of
intervention has been shown to produce fewer class disruptions, facilitate the learning
process and assist teacher, students, and other family members to work and relate with
the youth. Behavior coaches are reported to improve the quality of life and increase the
safety and stability of the youth and their families.
Contact Information:
Mohave Mental Health Center
Lake Havasu City
Phone: 520-855-3432
Interagency Case Management Project - ICMP
The Interagency Case Management Project in Lake Havasu City, Arizona serves to
coordinate care and manage multi-service access for children with serious emotional
disturbance and/or behavioral problems. The multi-agency team (MAT) is comprised of
representatives from Child Protective Services, Developmental Disability Services,
Juvenile Corrections, Probation and Parole, and local school systems. The team meets
on a regular basis and has access to mental health flexible funds for most consumers.
The MAT also utilizes behavioral coaches when available. This process provides
improved coordination of care, utilizes creative problem solving, receives high level of
parent satisfaction and at least anecdotally produces positive outcomes for children and
systems. According to an Interim Impact Study Report in January 1999, children in the
ICMP project experienced a statistically significant decrease in the restrictiveness of
their out-of-home placements during the time period reviewed.2
Contact Information:
Arizona Department of Health Services
Behavioral Health Services
Phone: 602-381-8999
Luz / Southside Partnership
Luz is a substance abuse prevention program for Spanish-speaking youth located in the
Southside of Tucson, Arizona. The program provides community education,
neighborhood association development and training, prevention of alcohol and
substance abuse and community empowerment.
The Partnership has been recognized for the many benefits that it has brought to the
community, including improved community morale and an acceptance of community
based mental health and substance abuse services. This occurred because the
program was respectful of the local culture and the community's needs. Many youth
and families have turned toward the Partnership for informal referral and support and
the office now serves as a drop-in center for the community.
Contact Information:
Southside Partnership
Luz Social Services
4453 South 6th Ave. Suite 2
Tucson, AZ 85714
Phone: 520-294-7620
The Model Court Project
Pima County Juvenile Court is one of nine Model Court Projects nationwide to ensure
an accelerated judicial process for cases that involve children who are the victims of
abuse, neglect and abandonment. This program hopes to bring swift closure and
hopefully a happy ending by implementing the following: one judge for one family, fast
preliminary hearing, accelerated court calendar, centralized data collection, and specific
recruiting and dependency training for all contract attorneys.
Contact Information:
The Model Court Project
2225 East Ajo Way
Tucson, AZ 85713-6295
Phone: 520-740-4780
FAX: 520-628-7104
State of Delaware - Integrated Assessment
Under the umbrella agency of the Department of Children, Youth and their Families, an
integrated assessment, gate keeping and authorization unit has been established within
the Division of Child Mental Health as part of the state's Medicaid Section 1115 waiver
project. The centralized assessment, available to referrals from child welfare, juvenile
justice, and mental health systems incorporate EPSDT requirements with a
standardized tool that is linked to a protocol for levels of care.
Since the unit became operational in 1997, the state has reduced length of stay in
residential treatment and psychiatric hospitalization.
Contact Information:
State of Delaware
Intake and Assessment
Phone: 302-633-2579
State of Iowa - Clinical Assessment and Consultation Teams - CACT
Through a statewide Children's Medicaid initiative, five systems (child welfare, juvenile
justice, mental health, mental retardation, and substance abuse services) have
collaborated to develop Clinical Assessment and Consultation Teams. This program
assesses children referred by the four systems for appropriate triage into various levels
of community-based services. The team also provides continuing stay review and
monitoring of service outcomes. The project was incorporated into the state's Medicaid
plan as well as the Casey Foundation De-categorization Project in which all non-
Medicaid funds at the county level were bundled and used by multiple children's
systems. As a result of CACT's determination of children's medical/behavioral need for
rehabilitative treatment services, Iowa received almost $25 million in federal Medicaid
funding in FY '97 to serve approximately 4,000 children per month.
Contact Information:
State of Iowa
Department of Human Services
Phone: 515-281-8483
Systems of Care - Federal Department of Health and Human Services
Through the Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their
Families Program, DHHS has put out a seven volume series called Systems of Care -
Promising Practices in Children's Mental Health. This publication of monographs is
based on the experiences of 22 of the current 41 program grantees in their work to
create a system of care that provides effective, coordinated care to children with a
serious emotional disturbance and their families.
The series includes: New Roles for Families in Systems of Care, Promising Practices in
Family-Provider Collaboration, The Role of Education in a System of Care: Effectively
Serving Children with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders, Promising Practices in
Wraparound, Promising Practices: Training Strategies for Serving Children with Serious
Emotional Disturbance and Their Families in a System of Care, Building Collaboration in
Systems of care, and A Compilation of Lessons Learned from the 22 Grantees of the
1997 Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their
Families Program.
Contact Information:
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration's (SAMHSA)
Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS)
Phone: 301-443-2792