Volume I contains a brief discussion of the criteria used to identify and select best
practice approaches and models relevant to Arizona. In this Volume many of the
criteria for best practice selection are used to define performance standards and criteria
that can be used to continuously assess the degree to which Arizona is moving towards
best practice models.
Best practices in public behavioral health are recognized to be multi-dimensional. That
is, best practices are defined by several different domains, including vision and values,
systemic implementation, and point-of-service excellence in clinical and program
delivery. The first domain reflects characteristics of any public sector human services,
health care, or behavioral health care system in any jurisdiction. These characteristics
- Customer orientation - respect for and responsiveness to the individual needs
and choices of consumers and their families at all levels of the system.
- Clinical excellence - implementation of evidence-based clinical treatment
practices consistently throughout the public behavioral health system.
- Continuity - assurance that every individual and family will have a single point
within the system with the accountability and responsibility to be there when
needed, and to respond to individual and family needs as they change over time;
- Integration - assurance of uninterrupted movement among the components of
the public behavioral health system as well as full and coordinated access to,
and integration with, other important services and supports, including primary
health care, housing and vocational services; and
- Stewardship of public funds - clearly identified single points of public
accountability for the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of the public behavioral
health system, and consistent evaluations of the quality and performance of the
More detailed examples of these criteria are contained in Appendix A of this volume.
The second domain reflects the practical elements of implementing specific program
model and clinical treatment best practices within the preferred public behavioral health
system. These are elements without which the first set of criteria cannot effectively be
met, and include:
- Vision - clearly articulated and understood mission, values, and strategic
direction for the public behavioral health system as a whole;
- Strategy - feasible and proven approaches to structuring, organizing, financing,
and operating the public behavioral health system:
- Technology - the actual practice and delivery of services to priority consumers
and their families;
- Human Resources - the supply of trained, competent, and culturally appropriate
staff necessary to deliver best practice service models; and
- Culture - the expectations and beliefs by all participants in the system in the
value and potential of all consumers and the value of a high quality, customer-
oriented, efficient and effective public behavioral health
The third domain reflects the combination of empirical research, professional
judgement, feasibility of implementation, and relevance to Arizona. The practical criteria
are used for those many elements of the public behavioral health system that are not
sufficiently evaluated to assure implementation of evidence-based best practice. They
also provide a reality check on the application and prioritization of best practice models
throughout Arizona. These practical criteria include:
- There have been sufficient studies and evaluations to indicate that the practice is
promising and is most likely beneficial for consumers and families;
- The practice or approach has become a nationally accepted best practice and
has been widely used as a standard and guideline for program implementation
and service delivery for a substantial period of time;
- There are examples of successful and beneficial implementation of the practice
or approach in other jurisdictions;
- The practice or approach is relevant to Arizona local conditions and resources. It
addresses gaps or needs in the current service system; and/or
- The implementation of the practice or approach is feasible within the current
Arizona public behavioral health system.
Each of the above domains of best practice criteria has been applied to the models and
approaches selected for inclusion in this report. They have also been used as
guideposts for the strategic recommendations and for recommended implementation
strategies. In fact, the above domains of best practice criteria represent best practice in
and of themselves. If a state such as Arizona were to apply these criteria to the
planning, design, implementation, management, monitoring, and evaluation of public
behavioral health systems, the system would be driven towards constant improvements
in quality and effectiveness as well as towards newly emerging best practice models.
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