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National Philanthropic and Grant-Making Organizations

  • Alzheimer's Association Grants Program

  • American Psychiatric Association Research Awards
    Information and application guidelines for various research awards in psychiatry sponsored by the American Psychiatric Association.

  • Annie E. Casey Foundation - The Annie E. Casey Foundation works to build better futures for disadvantaged children and their families in the United States. The Foundation provides grants to public and nonprofit organizations to strengthen the support services, social networks, physical infrastructure, employment, self-determination, and economic vitality of distressed communities.

  • Community Foundations are nonprofit, tax-exempt, publicly-supported grantmaking organizations. These foundations are public charities that develop broad support from many donors with a wide range of charitable interests in a specific community. This site includes links to Community Foundations in all 50 U.S. states.

  • NARSAD - The National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression raises and distributes funds for scientific research into the causes, cures, treatments and prevention of brain disorders, primarily the Schizophrenias, Depressions, and Bipolar Disorders.

    The NARSAD Research Grants Programs support scientists conducting basic research, clinical research, or a combination of both, in neurobiology.

    NARSAD's three grant programs include:

    • Young Investigator Award: supports scientists at the advanced post-doctoral or assistant professor (or equivalent) level. Awards are up to $30,000/year, for one year or two years (maximum of $60,000 for two years);
    • Independent Investigator Award: supports scientists at the associate professor (or equivalent) level. Awards are up to $50,000/year, for two years (maximum of $100,000 for two years);
    • Distinguished Investigator Award: supports scientists at the full professor (or equivalent) level. Awards are up to $100,000 for one year.

  • Other Sources of Private Funds - The following foundations may provide funding for specific projects related to their missions and goals:




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